This Kind Karma® Worldwide Initiative is called "Kids R Key" because we believe, "kids are the 'key' to creating the world's future." Children are our sustained breath, and future heart-light of compassion, peace and kindness. Kind Karma Kids R' Key Initiative accentuates holistic therapies, such as breathing exercises, to cope with stress and to deal with turbulent emotions and anxious thoughts.
"Empowering our youth for a positive, high vibration future." - Kind Karma® Worldwide
"Balloon Breaths"
Preparation & Posture for Ballon Breaths
Find a relaxed, comfortable position. You could be seated on a chair or on the floor on a cushion. When sitting in a chair, be sure your feet are flat on the floor.
Gently rock side to side, or forward and backward, until you feel calmer or a sense of quiet.
Align your head, neck, and spine. Feel tall. Feel expanded. Feel the Light.
As you lengthen your spine, soften your face and neck, and lower and relax your shoulders.
Relax your arms as you rest your hands in your lap or lightly on the knees. You can also place your hands in your favorite hand gesture or mudra.
Softy close your eyes.
Take in some deep belly breaths. Kind Karma® Kids Tip: Breathe in through your nose and let your belly fill with air. Breathe out through your nose. Now, place one hand on your belly and the other hand on your chest. As you breathe in, feel your belly rise. As you breathe out, feel your belly move inward, towards the spine. The hand on your belly should move more than the one that's on your chest. Take three more full, deep breaths.
How to Practice Balloon Breath (Technique #1)
Breathe in through your nose as you raise your arms, inflating an imaginary balloon.
Place your hands above your head with palms together (or interlace your fingers).
After a deep inhale, purse the lips and exhale slowly as you lower you arms down.
As you lower your arms, try to make releasing sounds such as ssshhh. Imagine the ballon emptying (deflating) as you make your releasing sounds.
End the breathing exercise with the children placing their hands in their laps or on the knees.
Kind Karma Note:
We often describe the long exhales as a releasing breath, sighing breath or clearing breath. These exhales signal the body to relax and invite it (a type of training) to let go of tension, stress and anxious thoughts or feelings.
Benefits of Ballon Breaths
Helps to cope and manage stress, anxiety and nervousness.
Moving the arms up and down increases body-breath awareness and mindfulness. Moreover, it empowers the child in the "now" or "present" moment.
Activates and stretches the diaphragm increasing the relaxation response and lowering the stress response.
Activates the vagus nerve.
The release sound - emptying the ballon is a wonderful discharge. The ssshhh sound (or any of the release sounds used in Kind Karma® Kids R Key) teaches the children how to exhale properly. The sounds also activates the vagus nerve; releases stored, stagnant or pent-up energy; and helps to regulate or manage emotions.
Awesome interactive breathing technique, especially with visualization and imagination.
Teaches children how to direct their feelings and thoughts in a positive, healthy way.
It's fun to learn, and fun to teach!
"Kind Karma® Kids R Key incorporates simple and, easy to learn, breathing methods as mindful learning tools for children to develop healthy coping skills. Our breathing techniques teach positive ways to channel energy, emotions and feelings, and to cope with uncomfortable, painful, conflicted or turbulent life situations." - Dean Telano
Why Do We Teach Breathing Exercises?
Kids love working with the breath!
It's fun...there's so much fun to be had with breathing exercises.
Breathing exercises are a valued coping skill, that anyone can use any time.
Teaching children breath awareness and breath control encourages relaxation, regulates emotions and provides stress management tools.
It teaches children how to deal with nerve-wracking, fearful or anxiety-inducing situations.
Depending how it’s done, it can energize both the body and mind.
Visualization is a powerful mind-body connection tool.
Improves respiratory function and strengthens the muscle of respiration.
Strengthens abdominal muscles.
Improves digestion.
Clears and eases the mind before school tests or exams.
Promotes mindfulness, imagination, creativity and visualization.
They are wonderful, portable mood elevators.
"Kind Karma® Kids R Key breathing exercises use visualization and imagination as gateways to harmonize the body, mind and emotions." Dr. Dean Telano, Founder of Kind Karma® Worldwide
Disclaimer: This blog post is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. It is not intended as a replacement or substitute for medical treatment from a health care provider for any medical or psychological condition, nor should it be used as such. For such issues, you should seek the proper treatment from a licensed physician or healthcare professional. Be sure to consult your physician before starting this or any other exercise program.
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