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Kind Karma® Cares Initiative in Action with Changing Hearts Farm

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

HAH, is one of two separate divisions of the Kind Karma® Cares Initiative. HAH provides noninvasive energy therapies for sick, abused, sheltered, farm and domesticated animals.​

It's our belief that learning how to heal and properly care for animals contributes to simultaneously healing yourself and the planet.

We are on a global mission to heal all types of animals, including birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

Dr. Dean Telano giving a bull energy healing
Holistic Animal Healing: HAH

Kind Karma® Cares Visits Changing Hearts Farm

"Changing Hearts Farm" is a non-profit farmed animal sanctuary committed to changing hearts on behalf of animals through education and rescue. They rescue animals and work towards "a future where the deserving nature and intrinsic worth of all animals everywhere are recognized and respected".

Adults giving reiki to a sick pig
Arriving at "Changing Hearts Farms"

The owners of "Changing Hearts Farm Sanctuary" gratefully and warmly welcomed us to help heal their animals through Reiki Healing, while giving extra attention to 2 of their animals that reside there. One was a horse, named "Song", who was bit by a snake, and the other animal that needed attention was a pig named "Sunshine" who was rescued by the farm from a lifetime of abuse of being used as a breeder pig.

Towards the end of our visit we all, including the owners and workers of the farm noticed a significant improvement with Sunshines health! Her prolapsed uterine actually retracted and showed a visible improvement after our Reiki treatments from our Kind Karma® Reiki Grandmasters.

Reiki Practitioners Healing a Hurt Goat.
A Beautiful Friend for Life!

Giving Reiki Healing to a Horse.
Healing "SONG" Bitten by a Snake.

feeding a goat watermelon
Feeding Our New Friend Watermelon.

touching a cow at a farm
Giving Kind Karma Reiki to "SUNSHINE"

We plan to visit "Changing Hearts Farm" a few times a year to support their beautiful rescue animals through Reiki Healing treatments.

mother bear hugging her cub

"Kind Karma® Reiki sessions create a heart to heart connection with our beautiful animal kindred"

© 2021. All Rights Reserved. Dean Telano

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