"Unified in Purpose, Let's Walk the Empowered Path."
Who Are We & What We Do
Kind Karma® Community Rocks' objective is to "Awaken & Heal the Collective Community Consciousness." This Kind Karma Worldwide™ Initiative is intended to achieve this objective by reaching, teaching and healing the global community through service projects and events emphasizing holistic health and healing. This initiative includes TALK: Teach All Loving Kindness.
KKW Community Rocks! includes:
Kind Karma® Yoga & Awaken with Meditation.
Awaken with Qigong.
Integrative Gong & Sound Therapy.
Kind Karma® Reiki & Crystal Therapy.
Mind Hygiene, Breathing Exercises & Mindfulness.
Positive Thinking & Empowering Affirmations.

We Work Onsite, Offsite & Online

"We are Creating a World of Kind Karma® Interconnection."

Senior Community Rocks!
As senior aging and health issues are a concern, we promote holistic approaches with breathwork, stretching, yoga and meditation, as well as instruction, to locations such as nursing homes, assisted living, hospitals and group homes for the mentally disabled.
These particular yoga programs are designed for the senior community to increase flexibility, balance and strength, as well as promote a positive, fun outlook for each day of participation. It is our plan to reignite a fresh breath of hope with aging seniors, especially when often times, depression sets in. We are planning to execute our new initiative to develop free classes for senior citizens in our local community.
T.A.L.K. – Is Part of Kind Karma® Community Rocks!
Teach All Loving Kindness

Teach All Loving Kindness
TALK is about motivating and empowering others to live a life of high vibration and positivity. TALK incorporates innovative holistic approaches to open your heart, clear your mind, harmonize your emotions and heal your body. It's our belief when you take personal responsibility for raising your vibration, you simultaneously raise and lift the vibration of the world. TALK provides the necessary tools to navigate your everyday life to generate positive karma, and to work with the rhythms and flows of nature in alignment with your highest intention, authenticity and higher purpose.
Training Courses & Relevant Blogs
Kind Karma® Yoga.
Awaken with Meditation
Kind Karma Breathing Exercises.
Blog: "Infinity Breathing. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Exercise for Improving Academic Skills & Focus."
Blog: "Balloon Breaths. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Exercise for Managing Emotions, Stress & Anxiety."
Blog: "Triangle Breathing. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Technique for Coping with Stress."
Blog: "Square Breathing. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Technique for Coping with Stress."
Kind Karma® Crystal Course. Sacred Geometry, Body Layouts and Grids.
Ayurveda. Natural Lifestyle Approaches & Spiritual Well Being.
Energy Therapy. How to Cleanse, Strengthen & Protect your Energy Body.